Thursday, January 17, 2008

An Interview with Mr. Gabriel

Enjoy this rare insight into a 6-year-old's mind -- in which the perfect world consists of everyday people having web-slinging abilities and dead presidents return to Washington to run the government!
NOTE: This interview was conducted by a professional journalist and was held over fruit jell cups after school. :)

What's the most important thing in life?
G: Jesus Christ our Lord

What is love?
G: It means you love each other and want to become friends.

Who is your hero?
G: Brett Favre

(Optimus Prime transformer, drawn by Gabriel)

What do you want to be when you grow up?
G: An artist like Leonardo DaVinci. That's how good I want to be.

Who is the best superhero and why?
G: Superman, because he's so strong to lift up a building or a car.

What's your favorite color?
G: Green. For the Green Bay Packers.

What's your favorite food?
G: Macaroni and cheese -- spirals.

What makes you angry?
G: When somebody punches me.

Who did that???
G: Nobody.

What makes you happy?
G: When somebody meets me and we become friends.

What's your favorite sport?
G: Football

What's your favorite season?
G: Winter, because you have so much fun making snowballs and throwing them at your friends.

What's your favorite book?
G: My Side of the Mountain, because it's really cool that somebody could live in the wild. (we're on chapter 5 so far)

Who is your favorite singer?
G: My favorite singer is James Taylor, because of my cowboy song. (Sweet Baby James)

What is God like?
G: He's like the king of the world. He is powerful.

Where does he live?
G: In heaven. Up in the clouds.

What are clouds made of?
G: Moisture. (BIG GRIN) I know because dad told me that word and you can fall through a cloud because they're not thick cotton balls.

How do you get to heaven?
G: By God taking you up there.

What do you think it's like there?
G: It's like living with God.

If you could be any animal , what animal would you be?
G: The fastest animal ever, which is a cheetah.

What superpower would you like to have?
G: I would like to have swinging webs, like spiderman.

Who is president?
G: George Bush

Who is vice president?
G: I don't know who that guy is.

It's Dick Cheney.
G: Oh.

Who should be president next?
G: Abraham Lincoln.

... You know he's dead?
G: I know. He might come back to life.


marzi said...

hello mr. gabe! i read your mommy's blog and she said we should go read yours. i'm quite impressed with your drawing. you're very talented. i'm an artist too. i hope you grow up to be just like da vinci! keep up the good work!

amy7252 said...

Dear Mr. Gabriel,

I am learning to eat new foods, but Mom says I'm too little for mac and cheese. Can you recommend a good fruit and vegetable? Or are there specific ones I should avoid?

Thanks for your help,

Elle Roust

C Staude said...

Hi Gabe!
I enjoyed your interview and your artwork! Both were very cool!

I never knew you preferred macaroni and cheese in SPIRALS! I'll remember that!

Luke's parents said...

Scott loves mac and cheese in spirals too! We'll have to have your family come down for lunch sometime!

DawnK said...

Interesting interview! You are a good artist. That's quite a detailed drawing that you made!

Nhia said...

Hi Gabe! You've got great taste in music already -- James Taylor ... WOW! Are you also going to learn how to play the guitar like your dad? Then you can play your "cowboy song". :)

Fran Cee said...

Hi Gabe! I lived with your mama in college. I think your transformer drawing is AWESOME. Artists rule. My favorite is Renoir. He was French.

Francie Williamson